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Presa in blugi la 1000 de posturi! BONUS-Eu, actor la liceu, in 2003! VIDEO

Pentru sarbatoare, am scos din arhiva teatru in blugi din 2003 cu mine actor si textier!

23 martie 2009-1februarie 2012! 1000 de posturi pe site/ul presainblugi.com! Sunt multe, sunt putine, judecati voi! Multumesc pe aceasta cale tuturor celor care au contribuit la pastrarea acestei identitati in mica, sau mare masura, mai des sau mai rar, in vacanta sau in timpul liceului…Multumesc Andrei Cojea, caci fara tine acest site ar fi ramas doar o idee…Multumesc Alex si Vlad Mocanu, doi frati gemeni de nadejde, care acum sunt studenti in Marea Britanie…Multumesc Simina Adamescu, Daniel Luican, Gyeorg, Robert, Ana Maria Radoveneanu, Valentina Lica cu energia ei debordanta, Andrei Fiuciuc cu stilul lui acid de analitic, Diana Bone cu franturile sensibile din sufletul ei asezate in versuri si tuturor celor care ati trecut pe aici, fie si pentru o clipa, sa radeti, sa cititi, sa comentati, sa priviti…Va multumesc…Pentru toti like-rii de pe facebook, pentru toti cititorii si vizitatorii am o surpriza…Eu, „”in blugi”” in 2003, asa cum erati si voi sau asa cum sunteti inca acum in 2012….Vizionare placuta!

P.S.: Din pacate, calitatea imaginii nu este foarte buna, desi am incercat sa remontez anumite cadre sau sa randez fisierele video….CD/ul de pe care am prelucrat informatia zacea de aproape 10 ani intr-un colt uitat si arata acum ca trecut prin razboi….Nici piesa dupa Shakespeare nu am putut-o prelucra in intregime, dar sper ca pe viitor, poate la urmatoarea aniversare de 2.000 de postari sa fac rost de piesa integrala…Multumesc pentru intelegere…

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Interviu in Palkoo.com in limba lui Shakespeare!

Aliana Rateanu mi-a facut o surpriza placuta si, recent, mi-a trimis cateva intrebari pentru platforma palkoo.com. Am sa redau un fragment din interviu, restul o sa il las cu link aici! Recunosc ca e placut sentimentul sa te afli si de cealalta parte a baricadei pentru ca mi-a placut rolul de intervievat, deoarece celalalt avatar de intervievator l-am tot purtat:) si o sa-l mai port….:)

Aliana Rateanu: Tell me about you as journalist. Describe us your career path to success.

I started “playing” with journalism even since high school when I was student at Dinicu-Golescu College. I worked voluntarily at “Evenimentul Muscelean” newspaper where I published a lot of articles in the 1999 – 2003 period. The most successful “story” that I wrote in that period was about the Freshman Ball where was organized “Couple of the Year” and where a romanian celebrity participated.

Over the years, I became a journalism student at the University of Pitesti-“Constantin Brancoveanu”. I worked for 4 years (2003-2007) at the Arges Pitesti newspaper where I coordinated the youth supplement “Arges in Blugi”, that I am very proud and sometimes I became nostalgic about this period.

I wish to thank master Mihai Golescu , newspaper directory, Mr Traian Ulmeanu, Dorina Bicu, Mihai Marian, photographer “personal” in jeans, Stefan Grigore and Ana Maria Demetriade who have patience with me and also Gabriel Lixandru that guided my steps to become what I am today.

After graduation I thought it was time to make a change in my life and I decided to go to Bucharest. Once I arrived in the romanian capital Bucharest, I started working as online political editor of Realitatea.net, where for over a year and a half I learned about online media, blogosphere and social media.

That’s how I met Piticu , anti-system Pitestean famous blogger, Ana Maria Bodrug, Alina Necula and other friends who helped me a lot. Mihaela Pana was one of them too.

I am currently a senior editor at the section of the diaspora businesslive.ro site and I must mention the name of Bogdan Gavrila, the man who is behind my back lately and who is contributing also actively in shaping my online path.

And to conclude this brief introduction to my biography media I want to talk about my “child” and my soul, – presainblugi.com, that I avoid to call Blog or Website because it is a bit of both, from my point of view.

Aliana Rateanu: I would like to know more about your achievements: the greatest article written by you, your best interview.

It is a very difficult question because I have many things to say, but if you “draw a line” on each stage of my life then I think that a relatively tables would look like this:
“At the time I worked for Evenimentul Muscelean”, the most commented article was a text about “non-conformist high school uniforms muscelene” which made uproar at that time in the city.

If I mention the time when I was editor of the supplement “Arges in Blugi” I can remember interview with DJ Liviu Hodor, a former classmate, who is now a famous DJ, an interview with a romanian star, and not least the story about the humanitarian actions undertaken by a senator of Arges.

Already I was approaching my peak period in terms of journalism career when, at the site editor realitatea.net I made a report on 13 Jilava fort, where was shot Marshal Ion Antonescu by the communists, and a story about a getic village built by a handful of students from the Archaeology, a village built near the town Bragadiru and fully realized based on old technology 2000 years ago, technology remaining legacy of the Geto-Daci.

I could remember this as the last landmark interview with His Excellency, Raduta Matache, Romania’s ambassador to Sweden. You can find the interview on the diaspora section at businesslive.ro.

I should end talking about important interviews and let your readers discover more on presainblugi.com, who is a special virtual place. The most important is that you’ll find there articles about valuable young people who I really like to discover and write about. Interviul complet aici!